
Jul 07, 2024 We released a benchmark “BigCodeBench: Benchmarking Code Generation with Diverse Function Calls and Complex Instructions”! Feel free to try it out and send us your feedback! :rocket:
Apr 21, 2024 I received the 2024 Google Research Scholar Program award! Thank you Google! :tada: :moneybag: :gift:
Apr 09, 2024 I will serve on the Program Committee of ISSTA’25. Welcome submissions!
Dec 03, 2023 I will serve on the Program Committee of ASE’24. Welcome submissions!
Nov 25, 2023 I will serve on the Program Committee of ICSE’25. Welcome submissions!
Oct 10, 2023 Our paper “When Neural Code Completion Models Size up the Situation: Attaining Cheaper and Faster Completion through Dynamic Model Inference” is accepted to ICSE’24!
Aug 26, 2023 I will serve on the Program Committee of WWW’24. Welcome submissions!
Jul 28, 2023 Our paper “DistXplore: Distribution-guided Testing for Evaluating and Enhancing Deep Learning Systems” is accepted to FSE’23!
May 05, 2023 Our paper “CodeMark: Imperceptible Watermarking for Code Datasets against Neural Code Completion Models” is accepted to FSE’23!
Apr 27, 2023 I will serve on the Program Committee of ISSTA’24. Welcome submissions!
Apr 21, 2023 I received the 2023 FIT ECR Seed Grant! :moneybag: :sunglasses:
Feb 02, 2023 I was invited to be a Publicity Co-Chair of PRDC 2023. Please consider submitting your papers here!
Sep 02, 2022 Our paper “FuzzJIT: Towards Fuzzing JavaScript Engine JIT Compiler” is accepted to USENIX Security’23!
Jun 23, 2022 I will serve on the Program Committee of FSE’23 research track. Welcome submissions!
Jun 08, 2022 I received the 2022 FIT ECR Seed Grant! :moneybag: :v:
May 11, 2022 Our paper ICSE’22 paper “On the Importance of Building High-quality Training Datasets for Neural Code Search” received ACM SIGSOFT distinguished paper award nomination (19/197)!
Jan 14, 2022 Our paper “CoProtector: Protect Open-Source Code against Unauthorized Training Usage with Data Poisoning” is accepted to WWW’22!
Dec 03, 2021 Our paper “On the Importance of Building High-quality Training Datasets for Neural Code Search” is accepted to ICSE’22!
Oct 25, 2021 Our paper “CoProtector: Protect Open-Source Code against Unauthorized Training Usage with Data Poisoning” is online at arXiv! :bell:
Oct 08, 2021 I was invited to be a Co-Chair of the SCORE contest in ICSE’23! Register your team and win a travel to Melbourne!
Aug 30, 2021 I received the 2021 FIT ECR Seed Grant! :moneybag: :ok_woman:
Feb 15, 2021 I joined the Faculty of Information Technology at Monash University as a lecturer! :smile: