Xiaoning Du

Faculty of Information Technology, Monash University, Australia


Room 214, 20 Exhibition Walk

Clayton VIC 3800 Australia

I am a lecturer (a.k.a. Assistant Professor) at the Department of Software Systems and Cybersecurity of the Faculty of Information Technology, Monash University.

I obtained my Bachelor of Software Engineering degree from Fudan University in 2014, and I did my Ph.D. at Nanyang Technological University from 2015 to 2020, under the supervision of Prof. Yang Liu. Prior to joining Monash, I worked as a postdoc research fellow at Nanyang Technological University, under the supervision of Prof. Yi Li.

My research is mainly focused on the security and quality assurance of both traditional software and intelligent software with learning-based components, which covers but is not limited to software testing, program analysis, vulnerability detection, and runtime verification. Currently, I am quite interested in the DevOps of AI software systems, which aims to regulate the development and assessment process of AI-assisted solutions, support their post-deployment operation and guarantee trustworthy and sustainable AI services. Please check my publication list for more details.

I am looking for self-motivated Ph.D. students with strong programming skills and relevant research experience. The position is sponsored by full scholarships. Please send me an email with your CV if you are interested. For Monash undergraduate and master students who wish to do honours or minor thesis with me, please check the available projects and send me a copy of your transcript when expressing interest.


Sep 12, 2024 Our ISSTA’24 paper “AI Coders Are Among Us: Rethinking Programming Language Grammar Towards Efficient Code Generation” received ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award (11/143)! :tada:
Sep 05, 2024 I received the 2024 FIT Dean’s Early Career Researcher of the Year Award! :blush:
Jul 07, 2024 We released a benchmark “BigCodeBench: Benchmarking Code Generation with Diverse Function Calls and Complex Instructions”! Feel free to try it out and send us your feedback! :rocket:
Apr 21, 2024 I received the 2024 Google Research Scholar Program award! Thank you Google! :tada: :moneybag: :gift:
Apr 09, 2024 I will serve on the Program Committee of ISSTA’25. Welcome submissions!
Dec 03, 2023 I will serve on the Program Committee of ASE’24. Welcome submissions!
Nov 25, 2023 I will serve on the Program Committee of ICSE’25. Welcome submissions!
Oct 10, 2023 Our paper “When Neural Code Completion Models Size up the Situation: Attaining Cheaper and Faster Completion through Dynamic Model Inference” is accepted to ICSE’24!
Aug 26, 2023 I will serve on the Program Committee of WWW’24. Welcome submissions!
Jul 28, 2023 Our paper “DistXplore: Distribution-guided Testing for Evaluating and Enhancing Deep Learning Systems” is accepted to FSE’23!
May 05, 2023 Our paper “CodeMark: Imperceptible Watermarking for Code Datasets against Neural Code Completion Models” is accepted to FSE’23!
Apr 27, 2023 I will serve on the Program Committee of ISSTA’24. Welcome submissions!
Apr 21, 2023 I received the 2023 FIT ECR Seed Grant! :moneybag: :sunglasses:
Feb 02, 2023 I was invited to be a Publicity Co-Chair of PRDC 2023. Please consider submitting your papers here!
Sep 02, 2022 Our paper “FuzzJIT: Towards Fuzzing JavaScript Engine JIT Compiler” is accepted to USENIX Security’23!
Jun 23, 2022 I will serve on the Program Committee of FSE’23 research track. Welcome submissions!
Jun 08, 2022 I received the 2022 FIT ECR Seed Grant! :moneybag: :v:
May 11, 2022 Our paper ICSE’22 paper “On the Importance of Building High-quality Training Datasets for Neural Code Search” received ACM SIGSOFT distinguished paper award nomination (19/197)!
Jan 14, 2022 Our paper “CoProtector: Protect Open-Source Code against Unauthorized Training Usage with Data Poisoning” is accepted to WWW’22!
Dec 03, 2021 Our paper “On the Importance of Building High-quality Training Datasets for Neural Code Search” is accepted to ICSE’22!
Oct 25, 2021 Our paper “CoProtector: Protect Open-Source Code against Unauthorized Training Usage with Data Poisoning” is online at arXiv! :bell:
Oct 08, 2021 I was invited to be a Co-Chair of the SCORE contest in ICSE’23! Register your team and win a travel to Melbourne!
Aug 30, 2021 I received the 2021 FIT ECR Seed Grant! :moneybag: :ok_woman:
Feb 15, 2021 I joined the Faculty of Information Technology at Monash University as a lecturer! :smile:

selected publications

  1. Don’t Complete It! Preventing Unhelpful Code Completion for Productive and Sustainable Neural Code Completion Systems
    Zhensu Sun, Xiaoning Du, Fu Song, Shangwen Wang, Mingze Ni, Li Li, and David Lo
    In ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM), 2024
  2. FDI: Attack Neural Code Generation Systems through User Feedback Channel
    Zhensu Sun, Xiaoning Du, Xiapu Luo, Fu Song, David Lo, and Li Li
    In 33rd ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA), 2024
  3. AI Coders Are Among Us: Rethinking Programming Language Grammar Towards Efficient Code Generation
    Zhensu Sun, Xiaoning Du, Zhou Yang, Li Li, and David Lo
    In 33rd ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA), 2024
  4. Can Graph Database Systems Correctly Handle Writing Operations? A Metamorphic Testing Approach with Graph-State Persistence Oracle
    Shuang Liu, Junhao Lan, Xiaoning Du, Jiyuan Li, Wei Lu, Jiajun Jiang, and Xiaoyong Du
    In 33rd ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA), 2024
  5. Are Latent Vulnerabilities Hidden Gems for Software Vulnerability Prediction? An Empirical Study
    Triet Le, Xiaoning Du, and M. Ali Babar
    In 21st International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR), 2024
  6. When Neural Code Completion Models Size up the Situation: Attaining Cheaper and Faster Completion through Dynamic Model Inference
    Zhensun Sun, Xiaoning Du, Fu Song, Shangwen Wang, and Li Li
    In 46th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 2024
  7. DistXplore: Distribution-guided Testing for Evaluating and Enhancing Deep Learning Systems
    Longtian Wang, Xiaofei Xie, Xiaoning Du, Meng Tian, Qing Guo, Zheng Yang, and Chao Shen
    In 31st ACM Joint Meeting on European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE), 2023
  8. CodeMark: Imperceptible Watermarking for Code Datasets against Neural Code Completion Models
    Zhensun Sun, Xiaoning Du, Fu Song, and Li Li
    In 31st ACM Joint Meeting on European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE), 2023
  9. FuzzJIT: Oracle-Enhanced Fuzzing for JavaScript Engine JIT Compiler
    Junjie Wang, Zhiyi Zhang, Shuang Liu, Xiaoning Du, and Junjie Chen
    In The 32nd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security ’23), 2023
  10. CoProtector: Protect Open-Source Code against Unauthorized Training Usage with Data Poisoning
    Zhensun Sun, Xiaoning Du, Fu Song, Mingze Ni, and Li Li
    In The ACM Web Conference 2022 (WWW), 2022
  11. On the Importance of Building High-quality Training Datasets for Neural Code Search
    Zhensu Sun, Li Li, Yan Liu, Xiaoning Du, and Li Li
    In 44th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 2022
  12. Decision-Guided Weighted Automata Extraction from Recurrent Neural Networks
    Xiyue Zhang, Xiaoning Du, Xiaofei Xie, Lei Ma, Yang Liu, and Meng Sun
    In 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2021
  13. Who is real bob? adversarial attacks on speaker recognition systems
    Guangke Chen, Sen Chen, Lingling Fan, Xiaoning Du, Zhe Zhao, Fu Song, and Yang Liu
    In 42nd IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP), 2021
  14. Towards characterizing adversarial defects of deep learning software from the lens of uncertainty
    Xiyue Zhang, Xiaofei Xie, Lei Ma, Xiaoning Du, Qiang Hu, Yang Liu, Jianjun Zhao, and Meng Sun
    In 42nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 2020
  15. Marble: Model-based robustness analysis of stateful deep learning systems
    Xiaoning Du, Yi Li, Xiaofei Xie, Lei Ma, Yang Liu, and Jianjun Zhao
    In 35th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), 2020
  16. DeepStellar: model-based quantitative analysis of stateful deep learning systems
    Xiaoning Du, Xiaofei Xie, Yi Li, Lei Ma, Yang Liu, and Jianjun Zhao
    In 27th ACM Joint Meeting on European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE), 2019
  17. Devign: effective vulnerability identification by learning comprehensive program semantics via graph neural networks
    Yaqin Zhou, Shangqing Liu, Jingkai Siow, Xiaoning Du, and Yang Liu
    In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2019
  18. Leopard: Identifying vulnerable code for vulnerability assessment through program metrics
    Xiaoning Du, Bihuan Chen, Yuekang Li, Jianmin Guo, Yaqin Zhou, Yang Liu, and Yu Jiang
    In 41st IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 2019
  19. Trace-Length Independent Runtime Monitoring of Quantitative Policies
    Xiaoning Du, Alwen Tiu, Kun Cheng, and Yang Liu
    IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC) (IF 6.404), 2019